That was till a week ago. My sis and Bro-in-law convinced me that there are more colours in this world beyond the Greens my myopic eyes would see and deposited me in the middle of the Bay of Bengal, on a tiny patch of land called Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

It ensured that my eyes opened to another colour and hordes of new creatures that I would otherwise have never cared to even look at.

Of course, I had no choice but look & stare at BLUE and its shades for the next five days.

The mainland was some 1000 kilometers away across the blue waters and I am not a swimmer. The Bay of Bengal is not exactly the place I'd want to experiment my limited talents in.
So it was Blue, Blue & more non-stop Blue between 19th and 24th December.
To share my experiences just click this Turqoise link
raju bhaia.............mmmmm.....good,,,u can seriously try writing travelogue.....
I usually do not leave a comment, but the ideas really rocks, also I have a few questions like to ask, what's your contact details?
That's funny. I thought my profile is open. Mail me @
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